DP Solutions Newsletter

May 2020 Newsletter


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When employees work from home, they need access to important company files. It’s easy to look at consumer-grade, cloud file sharing solutions like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive.


However, these applications could pose a threat to your company because company data can be spread far and wide without central oversight of what information is being shared with whom.


Join our webinar on May 27 and learn the best ways to maintain control of your company’s data in a time where a remote workforce has become the norm.




Welcome New Clients

We are thrilled to welcome the following organizations to our family of clients:








District Capital Partners


Cybercriminals Are Out In Full Force In Today’s Crazy Times — Here’s How To Stop Them


In the past couple of months, just about everyone has been forced to shift priorities. If you’re like many business owners, you are intently focused on pivoting your business to accommodate today’s “new normal.” In fact, you are probably investing so much of your time in trying to retain your customers and generate new cash flow that you barely have time to even think about cyber security.




The problem is that cybercriminals and hackers know there’s no better time to strike than during a global crisis. In fact, they’re probably working overtime to craft new malware while the rest of us are trying to manage how our lives have been turned upside down. While you are so focused on your business, these cyber thugs are finding new ways into your IT network so they can steal data and passwords, compromise your clients’ private information and even demand large ransoms.


Cybercrime is already on the rise and is expected to cause $6 trillion in damages by 2021! But, if history repeats itself, you can bet hackers are already out in full force right now. We’ve already seen how headlines are changing from stories about COVID-19 to accounts of a frenzy of cyber-attacks on corporations and small businesses.


Here are solutions you can implement during these crazy times to help protect your business data, money and productivity:


  1. Be more suspicious of incoming e-mails. Because people have been scared, confused and not really focused for a while now, it’s the perfect time for hackers to send e-mails with dangerous malware and viruses. You probably have received a bunch of COVID-19-focused emails. Always carefully inspect the e-mail and make sure you know the sender. There has already been a CDC-gov e-mail address out there that’s not legitimate and has spammed inboxes across the country.

    Avoid clicking links in the e-mail unless it’s clear where they go. And you should never download an attachment unless you know who sent it and what it is. Communicate these safeguards to everyone on your team, especially if they are working from home.


  1. Ensure your work-from-home computers are secure. Another reason to expect a rise in cyber-attacks during these times is the dramatic increase in employees working from home. Far too many employers won’t think about security as their team starts working at the kitchen table. That’s a dangerous precedent.

    First, make sure your employees and contractors are not using their home computers or devices when working. Second, ensure your work-at-home computers have a firewall that’s turned on.
    Finally, your network and data are not truly secure unless your employees utilize a virtual private network (VPN). If you need help in arranging or improving your new work-from-home environment, we would be happy to get your entire team set up. Our goal is always to help your business to thrive with greater cyber security and superior technology that improves efficiency.
  1. Improve your password strategy. During crises like this one, your passwords could mean the difference between spending your time working to grow your business and trying to recoup finances and private data that’s been hacked. Make a point now to reevaluate your passwords and direct your team to create stronger passwords.

    Also, while it’s so convenient to save your passwords in your web browser, it also lessens your security. Because web browsers simply require their own password or PIN to access saved passwords, a skilled hacker can bypass this hurdle. Once they access your saved passwords, they can steal as much as they want – credit card information, customers’ private data and more!

    Instead, you should consider a password manager to keep all of your passwords in one place. These password managers feature robust security.


You, your team and your family have enough to concern yourselves with at the moment. There’s no need to invite in more problems by letting your computer and network security slide during these times.

While this coronavirus scare has negatively affected countless businesses, we are proud to say we are open and continuously servicing our customers.


If you need additional security advice or would like to have a consultation to discuss how to keep your data safe or how we can help you work more effectively, simply connect with us today. 



Guest Article 


Think On The Known, Not Just The New

Mark Sanborn


bigstock-New-Idea-Concept-With-Blue-Cru-305075341 (2) (1)Neophilia is an obsession with new things simply because they’re new – not necessarily better or improved – or novel. It makes people stand in line overnight for the newest technology release or scour the Internet to find the latest and greatest product, trip or experience.


We often read books and attend seminars to find new things to ponder. Sometimes the influx of new information and ideas is so rapid that we don’t use what we’ve learned or integrated it into our behavior.


So, what if we thought about the important things we’ve learned or responded to questions we already know we should answer? What is known but not recalled or revisited can shape and improve your life.


Think about these knowns:


  1. Things you think you know because somebody told you?
    Think independently.

  2. Things you don’t visit because they can be frightening?
    Be courageous.

  3. Things you’ve only thought about superficially?
    Go deeper.

  4. Things you’d like to do?
    Dream a little.

  5. Things you’ve stopped doing that used to bring you joy?
    Revisit them.

  6. Things you need to know?
    Learn them.

  7. Things related to your values and worldview?
    Live them.

  8. Things that would improve your health and longevity if you consistently did them?
    Do them.


The Bible says in Philippians 4:8, “Think on these things,” and then lists known and timeless things – what is right, what is true, what is lovely and what is pure. Nothing new in the list, but everything is worth thinking about often and deeply.


Sometimes the known is as valuable – or even more valuable – than the new.


Mark Sanborn, CSP, CPAE, is the president of Sanborn & Associates, Inc., an “idea studio” that seeks to motivate and develop leaders in and outside of business. He’s the bestselling author of books like Fred Factor and The Potential Principle and a noted expert on leadership, team building, customer service and company change. He holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association and is a member of the Speaker Hall of Fame. Check out any of his excellent books, his video series “Team Building: How to Motivate and Manage People” or his website, marksanborn.com, to learn more.



4 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Microsoft Teams

With so many people working remotely these days, effective communication and collaboration tools are more important than ever. Microsoft Teams is an excellent resource to keep your team connected and working cohesively when they can't physically be in the same space. We’ve put together four tricks to help you get the most out of Microsoft Teams.

Watch this video and discover 4 tricks to getting the most out of Microsoft Teams

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Working from home poses various risks to your company, its data, and its livelihood.  Although your employees may have the best of intentions, establishing a Work From Home Policy reduces these risks by providing them a clear set of guidelines and procedures.


You should consult with an IT expert, along with your HR attorney, to develop your Work From Home Policy.  At minimum, it should include these items:

  • How remote workers are approved
  • What physical security measures are necessary for at-home workspaces
  • Requirements for maintaining online security, such as passwords and cloud file-sharing
  • Use of a VPN to connect to company networks
  • Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) of company devices
  • Procedure for reporting incidents

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